  • 學位論文


The construction of canon of “Modern Poetics” in early Repulic──An observation on Chen Yen and Tongguang style Poetics.

指導教授 : 黃錦樹


自胡適1917年1月在《新青年》上發表〈文學改良芻議〉一文,揭開了文學史上重大的新文學運動之序幕以來,隨著「新」文學的站穩腳步,「舊」文學卻同時面臨被迫邊緣化的過程。再加上胡適為順利推行一種文學上的「運動」,有時不得不採取一些激烈的主張和措辭,將「新」、「舊」文學對立為「活」的、「死」的文學,這也同時正面地加速了對舊體古典詩文的打壓。不過,近幾十年來隨著研究風氣的轉移,一度被遺忘、忽略甚至因為政治因素被認為「不合時宜」的民國舊體詩詞在近來的研究中,又重新回到世人的目光。近年來中、港、台及西方漢學界學者,透過對「中國現代文學史」的反省,也紛紛關注起舊體文學在「現代文學」中的失落。 「同光體」是晚清民初的一個舊詩流派,由陳衍所提出。本論文的寫作,關心的是「近代詩」如何被譜進文學史之中;亦或換句話說,在現今的文學史論述中,有關「近代詩」的論述是如何形成、如何被建構的?在章節安排上第二章先介紹民初文學場域的大背景,包括以文言文寫作的舊文學在民國以後所面臨的挑戰及發展情況,包括民初舊文人的活動範圍、民國以後新式教育機構與舊文學發展等。第三章中首先關注了晚清民初的詩壇中的實際參與者,那些詩人與詩家們的言論,回到舊文人的思考中去理解,來探討時人對於近代詩中的內容之看法。從晚清民初時期詩壇中公認的重要批評家陳衍為始,探討其《石遺室詩話》中對近代詩歌及詩人的批評,其中最重要的便是其對包括自己在內的「同光體」詩派的提出與標榜。第四章則承繼了第三章的意見,但是從民初的文學史類型著作中,可以發現老輩學人,甚至是民國以後任職於大學中專治舊體詩詞曲的學人們,其實也嘗試利用文學史這種新的敘事方式來為舊文學建構其歷史;但另方面,新文學家早已使用文學史在對中國過去的傳統文學進行「重新詮釋」。因此,文學史竟成了新、舊文學二派爭奪發言權,為自己合法性辯證的角力之地。最後第五章的結論是透過對文學史及近代詩系建構的反思,來思考究竟為何在白話文已逐漸成為通用的民初之際,仍有許多學者致力於近代舊體詩的研究、為其發聲?甚至努力地為近代詩譜出一脈歷史,使近代詩成為學科論述及研究的一環?而這些努力在今日,又顯示出了何種價值?


典律 文學史 近代詩 陳衍 同光體


The modern literature of China began when Hu Shih published his well-known article “Literary Reform” in “Xin Qing Nian”magazine in January 1917. The stable development of modern literature leads to the declination of the “old” literature. In addition, Hu Shih’s aggressive proclaim put the modern and old literature in the opposite position of “live” and “dead” literature had accelerated the deterioration of traditional literature. However, as the result of changes and transformation in research atmosphere, traditional poems and verses regain the researchers’ attention. Recently, the introspection on “Modern Chinese Literature” has made the China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and western researchers’ pay attention on the “frustration” on Modern Chinese Literature. “Tongguang Style” was an old poetry stream which emerges in late Qing dynasty to early Republican era. This thesis studies on how the early modern poetries being “written” into Chinese Literature and how its discourse being formed and constructed. Chapter 2 introduces the literature background in early Republican era, including the development of classical Chinese literature, the activities of traditional literati, the development of new educational institution and classical Chinese literature in early Republican era. Chapter 3 concerns about the poets and reviewers who were active in late Qing dynasty, to understand their thoughts and opinions in early modern poetries. As an example on Chen-yan, the important poetries in his period, his work “Poetries at Shi-yi Shi” is the main target of this thesis to review the development of early modern poetries and its critics, especially the “Tongguang-Style” poetries. Chapter 4 inherits the ideas from chapter 3, to study the research results of the senior researchers after Republican era, and the disputation between “new” and “old” literature streams. Chapter 5 concludes the research results of early modern poetries in modern Chinese literature era, how is the “history” of early modern poetries being performed, and its value in recent time.


一、 專書與史料
卜正民(Timothy Brook)主編;古偉瀛等譯,《中國與歷史資本主義:漢學知識的系譜學》(臺北:巨流圖書,2004)。
