  • 期刊


The Inheritance and Innovation of Wang Guowei's Theory of Realm from Shao Yong's Theory of Observing


邵堯夫所謂的「反觀」即「以物觀物」,以客觀的態度,摒棄個人的情感,秉持真知而觀之;王靜安於「以物觀物」的「無我之境」之外,又加上了「以我觀物」的「有我之境」。王靜安認為無論是「有我」還是「無我」,以及「優美」與「宏壯」,始終是奠基在「無欲之我」這一點上的。王靜安之「有我之境」與「無我之境」,其內涵已經有了完全不同於邵堯夫「以我觀物」與「以物觀物」,而出新意,應該說這是王靜安對邵堯夫的「反觀」及叔本華(Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860)的「審美觀賞」的一個撥正。王靜安的「境界」說融合了邵堯夫之哲學與叔本華的美學理論,他運用西方的哲學理論,研究分析中國文化,把中西不同的哲學觀念、思維模式融合起來,對後學有著啟迪的意義,而且有著很深遠的影響。


Shao Yong mean by the observation of things is observing things in the light of their own Principles, with an objective attitude, aside personal feelings; uphold real knowledge of the world to observing things. Beside theory ”world without I” (observation of things in the light of their own Principles), Wang Guowei put in theory ”world with I” (observation of things made in terms of self). In Wang Guowei opinion, regardless of ”subject self” and ”objective self”, either ”graceful” and ”magnificence”, is always anchored in the point of ”me without desire”. The meaning of the theory ”world without I” and ”world with I” of Wang Guowei is different with Shao Yong's ”observation of things in the light of their own Principles” and ”observation of things made in terms of self” theory, we must say that it is correcting from Shao Yong's ”observation of things in the light of their own Principles” theory and Arthur Schopenhauer's (1788-1860) ”Peaceful Aesthetic Appreciation” theory. Wang Guowei's theory of realm incorporates Shao Yong's philosophy and Arthur Schopenhauer's aesthetic theory, Wang Guowei use Western philosophy to research and analysis Chinese culture, incorporates Chinese and Western different philosophy thought, has the meaning of inspiration and far-reaching influence.
