  • 期刊


An Analytical of the "Mountain Poems" by Guan Xiu


貫休為晚唐詩僧群中的重要作家,作品文字偏向俚俗,自來研究者少。本文以他的〈山居詩〉組詩為研究的主要範疇。文中依序探討山居詩的源流、詩人生平與交游、山居組詩的創作時代背景與思想背景,再就詩作的內涵特色和象徵意涵加以分析,體現其社會地位和文化價值,最後綜合探究此組詩在當時文化脈絡中,所具有的時代意義。 文中,筆者由詩人的精神內涵旨歸面向切入,綜納山居詩概括了四類主題,包含:(一)人生感通、(二)山居閒適、(三)政事感懷、(四)禪門開悟。在研究過程中於詩作內容領略詩人山居活動風貌的同時,涵泳其詩作傳達的詩思禪趣,別有一種特殊的意境領會。最後分析其詩作所孕藏的四項藝術特色,依筆者析納,包括(一)情景交融,淡遠閒適、(二)境清格冷,精意甚高、(三)語言通俗,反璞歸真、(四)名僧高士,熔鑄煉金。末作結論,期能賦予並彰顯此組山居詩應有的文學價值。簡言之,本文以晚唐詩僧貫休傳世《禪月集》中的〈山居詩〉組詩為主要研究內容,通過對詩句的梳理、研究,展現晚唐文學中的一個特殊樣態,以貫休〈山居詩〉為主題,介紹貫休生平梗概及詩人〈山居詩〉詩作精神內涵、詩作風格、寫作技巧等方面,針對詩作所具有的獨特風貌加以分析,肯定貫休山居詩在文學上代表的意義。


貫休 山居詩 晚唐 詩僧 隱逸


This article discusses ”Mountain Poems” written by Guan Xiu, a late Tang monk poet. First, the author introduces the origins of the set of work, the poet's life and acquaintances, historical context, and ideological context at time of works. Following that, the author analyzes the contextual symbolic meaning of the poems. Through the analysis the author reflects the social meaning and cultural values incorporated in and by the poems, in order to explore the significance of this work within the situated cultural context. Combing through the details and meanings of the poem, the poetic spirit of the content is characterized into four themes: (1), insights on life (2), pleasure of living in the mountains (3), reflection on government affairs and (4), enlightenment of Zen. Through analysis of this set of poetic works one could imagine the scenery and activities experienced by the poet; the delight in Zen as demonstrated in the poems present a unique and sophisticated imagery. Finally, the author analyzes the use of rhetorical strategies, composition styles, and reevaluate the status of Guan Xiu and the value of his works.


Guan Xiu Mountain Poems Buddhist charm Zen

