  • 期刊

Impact of a Transtheoretical Model on the Psychosocial Factors Affecting Exercise Among Workers





The pur pose of this study was to inves ti gate the effects of exer cisc inter ven tion on improvement of perceived exercise benefit, perceived exercise barrier, and exercise self-efficacy. A quasiexperimental design was uti lized and pur pos ive sam pling was con ducted at a telecom worksite in south ern Tai wan. One hun dred and ninety-three sub jects were assigned to an exper i men tal and a con trol group. The exper I men tal group, which con sisted of 133 sub jects, par tic i pated in a pro gram of exer cise inter ven tion. The inter ven tion pro gram applied a transtheoretical model to aid sub j ects in devel op ing effect tive approaches within dif fer ent stages of the exer cise change. It included written mate ri als and teach ing activ i ties for the dif fer ent stages of exer cisc. The con trol group, which con sisted of 60 sub jects, had no treat ment. All sub jects com pleted a struc tured ques tion naire, includ ingperceived exerciscbene fits, per ceived exercisebarriers, exercise self-efficacy, and stages of exer cise, pre-test and post-test. Sta tis ti cal anal y ses included Chi-square test, paired t-test, anal y sis of covariance, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe's post hoc com par i son. After the exer cise inter ven tion, the results post-test of the exper i men tal group showed that (1) per ceived exer cisc ben e fit, peiceived exer cise bar ri ers, and exer cise self-efficacy improved sig nifi cantly, and (2) per ceived exercisebene fit and cxcr cisc self-efficacy were sig nif i cantly higher than those of the con trol group post-test while per ceived exer cisc bar ri ers were sig nifi cantly lower than those of the con trol group post-test.


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