  • 學位論文


Relationships between Working Pressure and Psychological Factors of Exercise among Clinical Nurses

指導教授 : 林俐伶


摘要 養成規律運動可以促進健康及預防疾病、降低壓力。護理職場是一個充滿挑戰且高壓力的工作,護理人員每天必須面對不同的疾病、處理各種不同的突發狀況,長久下來,可能影響身心健康及照護品質。基於此,本研究目的在探討臨床護理人員運動心理因素與工作壓力之關係,研究設計為橫斷性(cross-sectional)問卷調查研究法,以南部某醫學中心臨床護理人員為收案對象,採方便取樣方式選擇180位個案,回收有效問卷164份。研究資料以次數、百分比、平均值、標準差等方式,呈現描述性統計資料,再以單因子變異數分析、t檢定、皮爾森積差相關及Scheffe事後比較,進行推論性統計。 研究結果發現在自覺運動利益中,除了與最小子女有顯著關係外,與其他個人背景因素關係並不顯著;運動自覺障礙則與婚姻及有無運動有顯著關係;運動自我效能與年齡、婚姻、工作年資及有無運動有顯著關係。就工作壓力而言,與個人背景因素無顯著關係,但工作壓力越大,則越不想運動。整體工作壓力與自覺運動利益、運動自覺障礙、運動自我效能之關係並不顯著;但進一步探討發現工作壓力的次量表中,工作關注的壓力越大,其運動自我效能的程度越高;勝任的壓力越大,則自覺運動利益越低;無法完成私人工作的壓力越大,則運動自覺障礙越高。 整體而言,在工作壓力與運動心理因素間,其關係雖不顯著,但仍可發現臨床護理人員可能因工作壓力之故,使得運動自覺障礙偏高,運動自我效能下降及自覺運動利益降低,故我們應如何讓臨床護理人員紓緩壓力,鼓勵運動是未來重要之課題。


Abstract Regular exercises are helpful in health promotions, diseases prevention, and reducing a person’s stress levels. Nursing is a professional work which is full of challenges and high-pressures. Clinical nurses deal with a lot of patients’ problems and critical situations every day. In the long run, nurses’ physical and mental health may be affected by the heavy work loads, and further inhibit the nurses to provide quality care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the psychological factors of exercise and the work stress among clinical nurses. The research was a cross-sectional designed using convenience sampling procedure. A total of 180 clinical nurses from a medical center at south Taiwan were recruited in this study. Sixteen questionnaires were eliminated due to large missing data. Thus, a total of 164 questionnaires were used in the analysis. The data analysis used descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post tests, t-test, and Pearson’s correlation. The analysis revealed that self-perceptions in exercise benefits were only related to the ages of nurses’ youngest children. Self-perceptions in exercise barrier were significant different in the nurses’ marriage status and exercise habits. Self-perceptions in exercise efficacy were related to the nurses’ ages, marriage status, length of woke experiences and their exercise habits. The work stress was not related to any personal characteristic. However, the greater of the working stress was, the less of nurses’ intentions to exercise were. The work stress was not significant related to self-perceptions in exercise benefit, barrier and efficacy. Nevertheless, further analysis showed that the higher levels of nurses’ concerns in work, the scores of self-perceptions in exercise efficacy were lower. The abilities to sustain work stress had significant negative relationship with the self-perceptions in exercise benefit. The perceptions of unable to fulfill personal work were positively related to the self-perceptions in exercise barrier significantly. In short, the relationship between psychological factors of the nurses’ exercise habits and their work stress was not significant. However, the study showed that the higher work stress the nurses had, the higher barrier, lower benefit and lower efficacy in exercise the nurses felt. In the future, to decrease clinical nurses working stresses and increase their intentions to exercise are important tasks for the nurse administrators.




