  • 期刊

An Exploration of Quality of Life and Related Factors among Female Flight Attendants



背景 近年來生活品質備受重視,輪班工作造成各層面的影響時有所聞,然而目前針對女性空服員生活品質的研究並不多見。 目的 了解國際航線女性空服員之生活品質,並探討人口屬性及工作狀況、疲倦感、睡眠品質及家庭功能之相關性。 方法 採橫斷式研究法,於交通部民航局航醫中心取得207位女性空服員之問卷。問卷內容包含人口屬性及工作狀況、多面向疲倦量表、中文版匹茲堡睡眠品質指數、家庭關懷度指數及台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷。 結果 女性空服員的整體生活品質總分平均為54.49分(SD=6.48),屬於中上程度。以生理健康範疇得分最高,心理範疇得分最低。經階層式複迴歸發現,宗教信仰、用藥、職稱、工作壓力、工作熱愛、疲倦、睡眠品質及家庭功能,共可解釋整體生活品質的34.2%。若控制人口學變項後,則疲倦、睡眠品質及家庭功能可解釋其21.3%。 結論/實務應用 建議醫護人員在為女性空服員提供醫療服務時,應考慮疲倦感、睡眠品質及家庭功能等因素,以作為日後健康促進或預防疾病計畫之參考。


Background: Quality of life is currently an important issue in the medical industry. Many studies have found that shift work affects health and life quality. However, data on quality of life related to female flight attendants are lacking. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore quality of life and related factors such as demographic data, work status, fatigue, sleep quality, and family function as they relate to female flight attendants working on international routes. Method: The study used a cross-sectional research design. A purposive sample of 207 participants was recruited from the Aviation Medical Center. The questionnaire distributed to participants incorporated the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue, the Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Family Apgar Index, and the Taiwanese version of the WHOQOL-BREF. Results: The mean score for holistic quality of life among participants was 54.49 (SD=6.48), which ranks at a high-intermediate level. The physical health domain earned the highest mean score and the psychological domain earned the lowest. Results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis using the enter method showed that eight predictors, including religion, drug use, employment status, job stress, job passion, fatigue, sleep quality, and family function, explained 34.2% of variance in holistic quality of life. After controlling for demographics, analysis showed that three variables-fatigue, sleep quality, and family function-accounted for 21.3% of variance in holistic quality of life. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Healthcare providers should consider fatigue, sleep quality, and family function factors when planning related health promotion and disease prevention programs for female flight attendants in the future.


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