  • 期刊

Effects of Yoga on Sleep Quality and Depression in Elders in Assisted Living Facilities



背景 遷居至機構對老人可能造成適應性問題,如睡眠困擾或憂鬱。少動之生活型態,如身體活動匱乏,可能是問題造成或加重之因。機構中適當運動方案之推行,對這群身體漸趨虛弱的老人而言相當重要。 目的 測試六個月瑜珈運動方案,對養護機構身體漸趨虛弱、巴氏量表總分為91-99分輕度依賴老人之睡眠品質及憂鬱狀態改善成效。 方法 採類實驗性、前後測設計。69位方便取樣之養護機構老人,依所居住之機構,隨機分派至瑜珈運動組(n=38)或控制組(n=31),其中55人完成六個月之研究。介入措施以三小組之團體方式進行,每週三次、每次70分鍾,為期24週。每小組之練習皆由二位領有結訓證書之瑜珈指導士帶領。依變項含睡眠品質(匹茲堡睡眠品質量表)及憂鬱狀態(台灣人憂鬱量表),於研究開始前、進行至第12週、及研究滿24週各測量一次。 結果 六個月瑜珈運動後,研究個案之整體睡眠品質有顯著之改善,且憂鬱狀態、睡眠困擾及白天功能障礙亦明顯減少(所有P值皆<.05)。除此之外,瑜珈組個案之所有依變項結果皆優於控制組(所有P值皆<.05)。 結論/實務應用 本研究建議,將瑜珈運動融入成為養護機構或其它長期照顧機構活動安排項目之一,以改善機構老人之睡眠品質及憂鬱狀態。


憂鬱 老人 睡眠品質 瑜珈


Background: Being relocated to an assisted living facility can result in sleep disturbances and depression in elders. This may be attributed to or worsened by lack of regular physical activity. Appropriate exercise programs may be an important component of quality of life in this group of transitional frail elders. Purpose: This study aimed to test the effects of a 6-month yoga exercise program in improving sleep quality and decreasing depression in transitional frail elders living in assisted living facilities. Methods: A quasi-experimental pretest-and-posttest design was used. A convenience sample of 69 elderly residents of assisted living facilities was divided randomly into a yoga exercise (n=38) and control group (n=31) based on residence location. A total of 55 participants completed the study. The intervention was implemented in three small groups, and each practice group was led by two pretrained certified yoga instructors three times per week at 70 min per practice session for 24 weeks. The outcome measures of sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) and depression state (Taiwanese Depression Questionnaire) were examined at baseline, at the 12th week, and at the 24th week of the study. Results: After 6 months of performing yoga exercises, participants' overall sleep quality had significantly improved, whereas depression, sleep disturbances, and daytime dysfunction had decreased significantly (p<.05). In addition, participants in the intervention group had better results on all outcome indicators than those of participants in the control group (p<.05). Conclusions and Implications for Practice: It is recommended that yoga exercise be incorporated as an activity program in assisted living facilities or in other long-term care facilities to improve sleep quality and decrease depression in institutionalized elders.


depression elder sleep quality yoga


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