  • 期刊

The Menopause Transition Experiences of Chinese Singaporean Women: An Exploratory Qualitative Study



背景 婦女更年期是指中年時發生排卵期結束的階段性過程。更年期的含義及婦女如何體驗這種過渡期,可能受到文化規範與社會影響,或者受到個人對更年期理解的影響,然而亞洲婦女的更年期經驗鮮為人知。目的 深入了解新加坡華人婦女更年期過渡經驗。方法 於2010年,對14名年齡在40至60歲之間的更年期和更年期後的新加坡華人婦女,進行質性設計的錄音面談,並對訪談內容進行分析。結果 呈現兩大主題:(1)更年期症狀的經驗;(2)處理更年期症狀的經驗。訪談結果最常見的症狀是不正常出血、潮熱和情緒變化。大多數參與者描述她們的過渡期為平淡和普通,並伴隨多項顯著症狀。婦女處理更年期症狀的的策略包括:醫療和傳統的方法、以及尋求家人和朋友的支持。結論 本研究提供了有關新加坡華人婦女更年期過渡生活的新見解。結果將有助於醫護人員更了解更年期婦女的需要,和提供護理人員在促進照顧婦女健康的參考。結論/實務應用 種族因素不一定會影響更年期婦女的症狀經驗,更年期婦女的健康教育,應具體建立在文化的實踐上。在新加坡醫院和社區的護理人員在照顧更年期婦女時,評估設置應包括西醫中醫和自我使用的藥物。


更年期 新加坡 亞洲 質性研究 經驗


Background: Menopause, a developmental occurrence that takes place in midlife, marks the end of a woman's fertile phase. Cultural norms, social influences, and personal perceptions related to menopause may influence its meaning and how each woman experiences this transition. Little is known about the menopausal experiences of Asian women. Purpose: This study explores the menopause transition experiences of ethnic Chinese women in Singapore. Methods: Using a qualitative design, the researchers conducted audio-taped interviews in 2010 with 14 menopausal and postmenopausal Chinese Singaporean women aged 40-60 years. Thematic analysis was used to analyze interviews. Results: Two main themes were identified: (a) experiencing symptoms and (b) managing symptoms during menopause transition. The most commonly reported symptoms were abnormal bleeding, hot flushes, and emotional changes. Most participants described their transition to be uneventful and ordinary and reported two significant symptoms at most. The strategies women used to manage their transition included using Western and traditional Chinese medical interventions and seeking support from family and friends. Conclusions: This study provides new insights into how ethnic Chinese women in Singapore experience menopause transition. Findings can assist nurses and healthcare workers in the local context to better understand menopausal women's needs and guide nurses to implement suitable health promotional strategies for women under their care in both hospital and community settings. Implications for Practice: Although ethnicity is not necessarily a determinant of symptom experience during menopause transition, health education for menopausal women should be based on knowledge of culture-specific practices. Nurses caring for menopausal women in hospital and community settings in Singapore should evaluate the use of medications prescribed by Western and Chinese herbal medical professionals as well as those that are self-prescribed.


menopause Singapore Asian qualitative research experience


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