  • 期刊

CARE Guidelines臨床案例報告指南

CARE Guidelines: The Guide of Clinical Case Reports


臨床案例報告(case report)發展已久,具備紀錄、分享特殊案例、帶動醫學發展、背負醫學教育使命等特性,然而因為偏差值高、類推性低、嚴謹度不足等原因,在學術貢獻上影響力式微。為了延續臨床案例報告不可取代的珍貴價值,國際學界推動CARE(CAse REport)guidelines,提供統一的寫作指南參考,用以提升臨床案例報告的寫作品質,發揮臨床案例報告的價值。本文將介紹臨床案例報告指南CARE guidelines,並且舉一個臨床案例報告為例,以CARE guidelines進行說明。


Writing case reports have been practiced for a long time for fulfilling the purposes of recording rare cases, formulating hypothesis, sharing experiences of diagnosis and treatment, and facilitating continuing medical education. Case reports, however, remain wanting in terms of their academic contribution as they are prone to bias, lack of generalizability and the rigorous research design and methodology of clinical trials. To enhance both the quality of value of case reports, the CARE guidelines have been developed to provide a template of the basic structure of a case report. Observing the CARE guidelines, authors of case reports can expect to better expedite and document the integration of evidence with expertise for enriching clinical research, clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), and medical education as well.


CARE guidelines case report


Dib EG, Kidd MR, Saltman DC: Case reports and the fight against cancer. J Med Case Rep 2008; 2: 39.
Lundh A, Christensen M, Jørgensen AW: International or national publication of case reports. Dan Med Bull 2011; 58: A4242.
PubMed, National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/. Accessed October 25, 2018.
Akers KG: New journals for publishing medical case reports. J Med Libr Assoc 2016; 104: 146-9.
InCites Journal Citation Reports. https://clarivate.com/products/journal-citation-reports/. Accessed March 22, 2019.
