  • 期刊

Text and Identity among LEP Readers: A Phenomenological Study



本研究主要探討與分析32 位在校英文後段班的大學生於閱讀英文小說後,所產生的自我認同、社會認同及全球認同現象與英文學習之關係。現象學研究強調與描繪在個人經驗的基礎上,透過個人心靈之眼陳述閱讀經歷及反饋等過程。本研究架構以O''''Donnell(1999)「腳本式合作」(scripted cooperation)模式為討論分析小說的工具,並以小說文本與學生互動的觀點,加上三角檢定法所蒐集之資料-包括田野調查記錄、課堂觀察、師生間討論記錄以及五組焦點訪談記錄等-匯集建構修課學生的認同意念,佐以QSR Nvivo7 質性分析軟體,產出主題意涵。本研究有如下發現:英文後段班大學生在面對他們第一本英文小說時,除了上課時呈現安靜又退縮的學習行為外,並明顯表達負面情緒,如抱怨小說文字太難、生字片語太多,及對外來文化與歷史漠不關心;但能在同學與老師互動討論之後,逐漸了解故事內容,進而對書中人物產生自我認同、社會認同,但缺乏全球認同之現象等,以釐清自我角色定位。此研究同時主張在面對英文後段班大學生教學時,應輔以耐心與關懷,循循善誘引導學生閱讀小說,並促進對小說人物、故事所處社會與世界的認同,可化解學習者內心的學習障礙,平衡看待自我內心的幽暗面,從而建立學習信心,有助於提升學習英文的興趣。本研究亦對英文後段班大學生及授課教授提出文學教學與學習的實務建議。


This study explores the learning process of 32 college students with limited English proficiency (LEP) and focuses on how students perceive and develop self identity, social identity, and global identity through reading one literary work in a freshmen English class. With the emphasis upon portraying the individual experiences and seeing through the eyes and minds of the beholders, this phenomenological study analyzed qualitative data to investigate how meanings were mediated and constructed through the interaction between the text and students. Drawn mainly from scripted cooperation (O'Donnell, 1999; Zuber, 1992), this study triangulated various qualitative data and yielded the following findings. First, even though LEP readers were withdrawn, vexed, and annoyed in the beginning of the reading process, they developed a better sense of self identity and social identity, but lacked the sense of global identity by comparing themselves with the characters in the literary work. Second, a beginners' reader based on a movie story that stresses self-awareness can serve as an entry into readers' lives. This research could be a springboard for researchers and educators interested in literature teaching. Possible limitations of the study and some pedagogical implications for LEP students are also discussed.


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