  • 期刊


A study on the three figures-Gong Sun Hong, Bu Shi, and Ni Kuan-in the "History of the Han Dynasty" and the reasons why the three figures are put together in the History of the Han Dynasty




《史記》 《漢書》 卜式 公孫弘 兒寬


Historians have failed to agree on the reasons why the three figures - Gong Sun Hong, Bu Shi, and Ni Kuan - are placed together in the History of the Han Dynasty. Different viewpoints and opinions have been proposed to analyze why the History of the Han Dynasty was compiled to include the three figures, but there have been no generally accepted reasons agreed upon by all scholars. Meanwhile, the appropriateness of the History of the Han Dynasty authored by Ban Gu compiled to include Gong Sun Hong, Bu Shi, and Ni Kuan remains an issue to many scholars as well. As such, this study aims to explore the Main Edition of the History of the Han Dynasty to highlight the characteristics of the three figures and find out the reasons why the three figures - Gong Sun Hong, Bu Shi, and Ni Kuan - are put together in the History of the Han Dynasty. This study concludes with the characteristics of Gong Sun Hong, Bu Shi, and Ni Kuan as follows: Gong Sun Hong:.Flattering the ruler and capricious to keep up with the times;.Appearing to be frugal and pursues fame;.Bearing grudges and seeking revenge for the smallest grievance; Aware of the situation and vigilant in peace time. Bu Shi:.Friendly to friends and good at agriculture; Showing his talents and using his wealth to pursues fame; Attacking his political opponents to maintain private profit. Ni Kuan: A scholar of Confucianism at first and then a law-abiding official; Seemingly open to discuss about issues with other officials but actually flattering the ruler. Meanwhile, this study analyzes the reasons why the three figures - Gong Sun Hong, Bu Shi, and Ni Kuan - are put together in the History of the Han Dynasty and 5 reasons are found. Ban Gu put the three figures - Gong Sun Hong, Bu Shi, and Ni Kuan-together because the three of them were: Born of animal husbandry; Had similar experiences; Accustomed to flattering; Took the positions of the three ducal ministers; Began well and ended well when they were taking on government jobs.


