  • 期刊


The Revival Trends of Puli Local Belief In the Early Post War




埔里 鸞堂 恒吉宮 九月紀念日 建醮


During the Japanese Colonial Period, some activities of the local beliefs gradually formed in Puli, including the Phoenix Halls being introduced to eradicate opium, the 12-year Taoist sacrificial ceremony and the Mazu Patrol and Pilgrimage in "September Memorial Day". These are representative or symbolic events among the religious groups and public sacrificial events in Puli. By the end of the Japanese Colonial Period, due to the influence of the "Kominka Movement," they were either suspended or gradually converted into an underground event. With the regime change in the early post-war, a new Taoist spirit medium training and a trend of making good books in Puli re-emerged. The local public sacrificial activities that took place in the early days of the Japanese Ruled Period also continued. To resume the "September Memorial Day", in 1948, the 12-year Taoist sacrificial ceremony for safety was held again. This revival trends of local beliefs brought by the regime change has received little attention and is worth exploring. This thesis explores the underlying factors of the revival trends of local belief activities in Puli since the early post-war period from three perspectives: the re-establishment of Phoenix Halls, Taoist sacrificial ceremonies and the "September Memorial Day," as well as the motivations behind the establishment of these activities. In particular, the identity and background of the principals who had actively participated in these beliefs, and reshaped the neglected process of the revival of local belief are examined.


《臺灣日日新報》,1924 年12 月9 日第4 版,「埔里建醮豫聞」。
《臺灣日日新報》,1935 年5 月25 日第4 版,「埔里/迎國姓爺」。
《臺灣日日新報》,1935 年9 月1 日第4 版,「埔里-議建醮事」。
《臺灣日日新報》,1936 年4 月12 日第4 版,「埔里恒吉宮媽祖進香」。
《臺灣日日新報》,1936 年12 月16 日第12 版,「埔里街清醮,25 日起先竪起燈篙」。
