  • 期刊


The research approaches and the academic attribution of Huang-Jie's Shi-Jing studies in the book named Bian-Ya




Huang-Jie (1873-1935) is known as a scholar in the study of Wei-Jin poetry; however, his research in Shi-Jing called Shi-Zhi-Zuan-Ci, Bian-Ya, and "Shi-Xu-Fei-Wei-Hong-Suo-Zuo-Shuo" had less discussion than his other studies. There have been two articles using Shi-Zhi-Zuan-Ci for research topics so far; therefore, this article focuses on discussing the book named Bian-Ya. Through the text, we may find that Huang-Jie widely used allusion of traditional classics and also used the numerous statements of Shi-Jing in Han dynasty; for instance, Shi-xu and Mao-Shi-Gu-Xun-Chuan for his studies on Shi-Jing, taking those statements to counteract the opinion of Shi-Ji-Chuan which was written by Zhu-Xi in Song dynasty. In addition, Huang-Jie also quoted the statements of ancient scholars and arranged their statements of Shi-Jing. Through these characteristics, the research approaches and his academic attribution of Huang-Jie's Shi-Jing studies could be understood.


[漢]毛亨傳,[漢]鄭玄箋,[唐]孔穎達疏,《毛詩正義》,收入[清]阮元校刻,《十三經注疏》(北京:中華書局,1980 年 10 月)。
[漢]何休注,[唐]徐彥疏,《春秋公羊傳注疏》,收入[清]阮元校刻,《十三經注疏》(北京:中華書局,1980 年 10 月)。
[宋]蘇轍,《詩集傳》,收入[清]永瑢、紀昀等編纂,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》,第 70 冊(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年 6 月)。
[宋]朱熹集注,《詩集傳》(北京:中華書局,1958 年 7 月)。
[宋]范處義,《詩補傳》,收入[清]永瑢、紀昀等編纂,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》,第 72 冊(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年 6 月)。

