  • 期刊


Case Report: Retrospective Study of Long-term Complications after Spay Surgery in Dogs and Cats




長期併發症 絕育手術


Ovariohysterectomy is the recommended approach to surgically sterilize female dogs and cats. Incompletely or inappropriately performed spay surgery, with includs tubal ligation, ovariectomy, salpingectomy, or partial hysterectomy, will result in long term complications. A total of 30 clinical cases including 25 dogs and 5 cats presented to the National Taiwan University Animal Hospital and Asia Pacific Animal Surgical Center from July 1996 to December 2001 were studied. Clinical signs and findings during exploratory surgery were used to describe these cases. Complications occurred from 1.5 months to 10 years after spay surgery. Abdominal visceral adhesion caused by peritonitis was the most common condition. Other complications include pyometra, pyonephrosis, fistula formation, and granulosa cell tumor. Retained bilateral ovary tissues were found in most patients. This study indicates aseptic techniques, appropriate and clean suture materials and surgical tools play important roles on spay surgery. Retained ovary and uterus tissues may also induce severe complications.


Cats Dogs Long term complications Spay surgery
