

一隻11歲雄性獒犬,因頸部腹側面體表呈現明顯腫脹;而送至國立臺灣大學附設動物醫院就診。觸診檢查發現頸部腫脹處為極大且堅實的腫塊,施以外科手術切除腫塊。病理學檢查,腫塊呈卵圓形,觸感堅實,大小為10×10×8公分,切面為肉質樣帶有暗紅及灰白色澤。顯微鏡下可見腫瘤實質內有大量的結締組織小樑分佈,由小樑衍生出許多薄且細的纖維結締組織與微血管所形成的基質,將腫瘤組分隔成多發小葉狀,上皮樣的腫瘤細胞沿著纖維結締組織基質排列成片狀、巢狀或腺體狀結構,腫瘤細胞大小一致,圓形或卵圓形且濃染的細胞核位於細胞中央,且有豐富嗜伊紅性的細胞質。Churukian-Schenk鍍銀法染色顯示有微量的黑色纖細的嗜銀性顆粒存在腫瘤細胞的細胞質內。免疫組織化學染色顯示腫瘤細胞呈現chromogranin A、synptopysin與neuron-specific enolase(NSE)陽性,而cytokeratin(AE1/AE3)、vimentin、S-100 protein、calcitonin與thyroglobulin則為陰性反應。基於組織病理學、組織化學染色及免疫組織化學染色結果,證實該腫瘤為化學感受體瘤。




An 11-year-old male Mastiff was referred to the National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital with a history of large swelling on the ventral neck. On physical examination, the swelling showed a large, hard and moveable mass. Surgery was performed to remove the mass. The excised tumor mass was 10 x 10 x 8 cm, appeared oval and was firm to hard, with apparent reddish and gray-white discoloration on cut surface. Histopathologically, the mass was composed of multiple lobules of tumor cells separated by the fine fibrovascular stroma that originated from the fibrous capsule. The tumor cells were arranged in sheets, nests or gland-structure that were separated from each other by fibrovascular stroma of varying thickness and distribution. The tumor cells had round to ovoid hyperchromat ic nucleus and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Churukian-Schenk silver stain demonstrated variable numbers of fine black intracytoplasmic argyrophil granules in most tumor cells. The majority of tumor cells were strongly immunolabelled for chromogranin A, synptophysin and neuron-specific enolase (NSE), but negative for cytokerat in (AE1/3), vimentin, S-100 protein, calcitonin or thyroglobulin. Based on the pathological, histochemical and immunohistochemical results, the diagnosis of chemodectoma was made.


Chemodectoma Dog
