  • 期刊


Case Report: The First Report of Respiratory Infection by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in a Red-footed Tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria)


在爬蟲類中呼吸道感染為一重要疾病,且常因飼養管理不當而引發,導致的病原眾多包括病毒、細菌、黴菌或寄生蟲等,此病例為呼吸道感染之紅腿象龜,臨床上呈現張口呼吸症狀,經採取氣管肺部灌洗液進行細胞學檢查、微生物培養及抗生素敏感試驗以及黴漿菌及皰疹病毒檢測,經微生物分離鑑定感染病原為嗜麥芽寡食單胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia),該菌可引起蛇類和鱷魚之病變,在龜類動物未有病例報告。


There are numerous pathogens including virus, bacteria, fugal and parasite may cause respiratory disease in reptile. In tortoise, respiratory infection is a common and important clinical disease, especially in captive animals which are poor of husbandry and improper environment. This case is a red-footed tortoise present respiratory distress. Trachal pulmonary lavage by trans-tracheal washing was performed under a sterile procedure. Sample was send to (prepared for) cytology, fungal culture, bacteria culture, antibiotic sensitivity test, mycoplasma PCR and herpesvirus PCR detection. Only one (strain of) bacteria, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, was isolated from sample test. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was reported as pathogen cause (ing) snakes and crocodiles pathological change, but in tortoises was not yet reported (in tortoises).
