  • 期刊


Analysis of the Expression of CD45, CD11b and NSA of Blood Cells in Healthy and Tumor-bearing Dogs by Flow Cytometry


學者提出不同機制解釋腫瘤如何躲避免疫反應,近年相關研究指出骨髓來源抑制細胞(myeloid derived suppressor cells, MDSCs)是一群異型性的不成熟骨髓細胞組成,在腫瘤、感染、敗血症等狀況下增多並抑制免疫功能,成為腫瘤細胞躲避免疫反應的機制之一。目前獸醫學無MDSCs的相關研究發表,已知腫瘤轉移犬隻的抗腫瘤免疫反應較弱。藉此本研究利用流式細胞儀分析比較健康犬、良性腫瘤及惡性腫瘤犬隻白血球表現人及小鼠MDSCs的標記物CD11b、共同白血球標記物CD45及嗜中性球特異性抗體NSA的差異,希望能對犬隻腫瘤診治方面有所助益。結果呈現在惡性腫瘤患犬白血球,中度至高度CD45表現、大型細胞、顆粒性高的細胞群比例顯著少於健康犬,而中等強度CD11b與NSA細胞百分比顯著上升。總結本研究,在腫瘤患犬確實與健康犬隻呈現不同的白血球標記物表現,未來可循此路徑進一步找出影響腫瘤生長的MDSCs。


Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) compromised heterogeneous immature myeloid cells, which are activated under pathological conditions, such as cancer, infection, sepsis. MDSCs have suppressive activities on tumor escape immune response. There is no published research regarding to MDSCs in veterinary medicine. Some studies revealed that there is a decreased antitumor immune response among cancer metastatic dogs. We hypothesize that tumor will change circulating MDSCs. By using flow cytometry, this study compares differences in leukocyte expressions of CD11b, a positive marker for MDSCs in mice and human, common leukocyte marker CD45 and neutrophils specific antibody (NSA) expressions between healthy dogs and benign- and malignant- tumor bearing dogs. Taken together, we supposed that our target cells of malignant tumor bearing dogs express medium or decreased intensity in CD45, medium intensity in CD11b and NSA. Follow the path; we can further identify the canine MDSCs which impact the tumor growth in future.
