  • 期刊


Research Note: Investigation the Carbon Footprint of Fresh Milk Product Produced by National Taiwan University Farm


溫室氣體的排放是近來受矚目的環境永續概念,特別是和氣候變遷有緊密的因果關係,也間接關係著動物疫病或人畜共通疫病流行之變化。在評估溫室氣體排放的眾多指標中,計算碳足跡是最直接的方法。本次研究針對臺灣大學附設農場所產製一公斤規格鮮乳,以ISO 14064及PAS 2050模式進行產品碳足跡之盤查,建立產品的碳排放基礎線並與國際間同類型產品數值進行比較。盤查項目分成飼養原料製造、鮮乳製造、運至處理廠、加工過程、包裝、分佈配送、銷售行為、消費者使用及廢棄回收等九個階段,碳排放總量為3.53公斤二氧化碳,明顯高於國際間同類產品。其中又以「加工過程」及「分佈配送」兩階段之製程排放比例稍高,建議汰舊高耗能加工機組並規劃較適宜之產品配送路線,應能有效降低鮮乳產品之碳足跡量,同時建議場方建立牛隻排泄物厭氣收集量的紀錄,以利更有效之碳盤查工作。


教學農場 鮮乳 溫室氣體 碳足跡


There is a close causal relationship between climate alteration and possible changes in zoonoses and animal diseases. Investigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission has been considered of utmost concern regarding recent environmental sustainability issues. Among the indexes of evaluation of GHG emission, the calculation of the carbon footprint has been considered as the most direct method. In this report, the baseline of the carbon footprint of a 1 kg fresh milk product from the NTU teaching dairy farm was calculated using the ISO 14064 and PAS 2050 models, and further compared with the same category of products from other countries. Total carbon footprint calculation comprised of nine producing and selling stages including feed production, milk production, delivery to the processor, fresh milk processing, packaging, product distribution, retail marketing activities, consumer activities, and disposal. The results showed a 3.53 kg CO2 emission per kg milk which is significantly higher than those of similar products from other countries. Since higher emission percentages were found in ”fresh milk processing” and ”product distribution” stages, it is suggested that replacing high energy-consumption machinery in the milk-processing plant and optimizing the product-distribution protocol will effectively reduce total emissions. Additionally, it is suggested that the NTU farm records the wastes from cows to have the carbon emissions investigated more precisely.
