  • 期刊


Case Report: Application of Indocyanine Green Staining for Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorrhexis in Canine Mature Cataract Surgery


犬之白內障常因不明顯的症狀而延後就醫,此時水晶體呈現白色混濁及腫脹,由於缺乏眼底的光線反射,術 者在施行白內障晶體乳化術之關鍵步驟即連續性環狀囊撕開術(continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis)時,往往會導致嚴重的側裂(radial tear),這是白內障手術後預後不良的主要原因之一。本病例報告為應用靛氰綠(indocyanine green)施打於連續性環狀囊撕開術之前房內,可有效地增強患眼前囊與其下方之皮質組織的對比,提供術者於較佳視野控制下完成囊撕開步驟,降低操作上的難度,並且使用靛氰綠染色幾乎不造成患者任何不良反應。綜上所述,我們認為並建議施行犬白內障手術之連續性環狀囊撕開術時,使用靛氰綠進行前囊染色可視為提升白內障手術成功率之關鍵步驟。


Canine cataract is often diagnosed at a mature stage due to difficult to notice in early period. The mature lens is somehow intumescent and shows some pathological changes in anterior capsule and zonule. Due to lack of sufficient fundus reflex, operators performing phacoemulsification cataract surgery always have difficulty to differentiate the anterior capsule from the underlying cloudy cortex during the crucial procedure of continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis (CCC). In this 2- dogs case report, we aimed to enhance the contrast and thus the successful rate of this step with indocyanine green (ICG) intracameral injection. ICG staining significantly improved the visualization of anterior capsule, and the operators could gain better control and contrast while performing capsulorrhexis. The prognosis is good. No adverse reactions or side effects were observed. Taken together, we concluded that ICG staining appears to be a critical technique to facilitate the performance of capsulorrhexis in canine mature cataract surgery.
