  • 期刊


A Study on Categories of Medical Consent and Digital Signature in Hospital




電子病歷 同意書 電子簽署


The project of electronic medical record has been initiated since 2007 by Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan. In addition to the interoperability of electronic medical record between hospitals, the extra benefit of adopting electronic medical records is eliminating paper and thereby creating paperless hospitals. However, there are still paper informed consent forms which have been used to get the prior written consent of patients because most patients do not have a digital certificate to create digital signatures of electronic informed consent forms. In this study, 1302 paper informed consent forms have been investigated and divided into 11 categories according to the signature processes and signers. The paperless signing system has been implemented to create the E-signatures of electronic informed consent forms. Conferences have been held to discuss the legality of E-signatures. Six months after the adoption of paperless signing system, the percentage of informed consent forms signed with E-signature have been increased to 90%. The results of satisfaction survey shows that 59.33% of patients express an excellent level of satisfaction with the E-signature and 39.44% of patients are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
