  • 期刊


A Study on Coache's Leadership Behaviors in Junior High School Volleyball Soccer Player


本研究主旨在探討國中排球教練領導行為之差異。方法:問卷調查,研究對象為參加2015 高雄市體育季全國第59 屆「和家盃」排球錦標賽之國中選手160人,方法:描述性分析、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析等。結果:不同背景變項;以性別、就讀年級及訓練頻率達顯著差異。結論:性別方面以訓練與指導行為、民主行為及專制行為,男選手在得分高於女選手;就讀年級方面以三年級及二年級選手知覺心理優於一年級選手,反觀一年級選手對專制行為知覺感受不好;訓練頻率方面五個構面達顯著差異,五天以上(含)以上之選手優於四天以下(含)之選手。建議:教練應主動關懷並適時給予鼓勵、讚賞及肯定。未來研究:可針對國中排球選手知覺男教練領導行為及女教練領導行為等進行研究,並加入其他研究變項,建構一套系統化之排球教練領導行為之模式,並改善提升排球教練與選手之間關係,有效降低與選手之間的衝突,提升球隊之獲勝機會。


國中 排球 教練領導行為


This study was to explore the differences in the spirit of the country's volleyball coach leadership behavior. Methods: The questionnaire for the study for the 2015 sports season Kaohsiung States National 59th "and home Cup" Volleyball Tournament of the 160 players who Methods: Descriptive analysis, independent sample t test, single factor variance analysis. Results: Different background variables; sex, school grades and training frequency of significant differences. Conclusion: the gender dimension in training and guiding behavior, democratic behavior and autocratic behavior, male athletes than female athletes in scoring; aspects of their grade in school to third grade and second grade players Perceived better than first grade players, first-year players on the other hand, autocratic behavior perception feel bad; training frequency of five dimensions of significant differences, more than five days (or more) of the following players than four days (inclusive) of the players. Recommendation: Coaches should take the initiative to give timely care and encouragement, appreciation and affirmation. Future research: research can be perceived male coach leadership behavior and leadership behavior against female coach volleyball players in the country, and joined other research variables, construction of a systematic pattern of volleyball coach's leadership behavior, and to improve and enhance the player's volleyball coach relationship between efficiently and reduce conflicts between players to improve the team's chances of winning.
