  • 期刊


Evidence from Article Reviews of the Effect of Warm Sitz Bath for Pain Relief of Anal Diseases


溫水坐浴常使用於肛門或婦科疾病,許多專家建議使用坐浴以緩解疼痛、促進癒合,但是否有科學證據來支持坐浴的效果呢?本文的目的即在找尋此方面現有之文章以探討坐浴對肛門疾病疼痛減緩之效果。筆者在PubMed、Pro-Quest library、Cochrane library、CEPS中文電子期刊等資料庫鍵入之關鍵字為坐浴(Sitz bath)、溫水坐浴(Warm sitz bath)或熱浴(Hot bath)來找尋相關文章,經檢索發現共計12篇實證文章,文獻證據顯示坐浴並不會降低肛門疾病疼痛程度及癒合程度。因所收集到實證文獻均為國外的研究結果,建議國內可進行隨機對照臨床研究來驗證坐浴之效果,以做為未來坐浴是否對肛門疾病病人有利之參考。


溫水坐浴 疼痛 肛門疾病


A Sitz bath is frequently recommended for disorders of anal diseases and gynecologic conditions. Several specialties have advised patients with anal diseases to sitz bathe for relieving pain and promoting wound healing. However, is there scientific evidence to support the recommendation of the Sitz bath? The purpose of this article was to review the available data on this subject. A literature review was performed by using key words ”sitz bath”, ”warm sitz bath” and ”hot bath” in PubMed, Pro-Quest library, Cochrane library and CEPS. Twelve articles were reviewed. It can be concluded that sitz bath does not offer significant pain relief or wound healing. Randomized, controlled, clinical trials need to be designed for further research as to whether the Sitz bath is beneficial to patients with anal diseases in Taiwan.


Warm sitz bath Pain Anal diseases
