  • 期刊


Caring for a Liver Transplant Recipient Faced with Dying from Gastric Cancer




肝臟移植 胃癌 瀕死 癌症末期


This article describes a nursing experience of caring for a patient who was a successful liver transplant case after surgery, but then faced the risk of dying from gastric cancer. The nursing period was from April 1, 2009 to April 9, 2009. The data was collected through the author's conversations, observations, and other methods. Roy's model was used to assess the physical model, self-concept, role function, and interdependently confirmed cases included major health problems from the change in nutritional status, chronic pain, anticipatory grief, and other nursing issues. The nursing intervention of the nursing process provided proper diet to maintain adequate nutrition, used massage techniques, deep breathing exercise, relaxation therapy and other measures to reduce the patient's physical pain, encourage him to share his feelings and provide emotional support so that he could learn to face and accept the fact of death. In addition, family members joined together with him during his last journey of life, to help celebrate his final birthday, so that his body, mind, and spirit met without regret of leaving this world.
