  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Exercise on Relieving Low Back Pain in Nursing Professionals


背景:下背痛是護理從業人員最常見的職業傷害之一,常導致他們病休、離職與轉業。雖然下背痛可藉由藥物、復健、手術等方式改善,運動治療因其健康與經濟效益,已成為近年的照護主流之一。目的:探討核心肌群訓練運動對於緩解護理從業人員下背痛之成效。方法:於4個英文及2個中文資料庫搜索共得174筆文獻,篩選後納入5篇文獻,分析核心肌群訓練運動對於緩解護理從業人員下背痛之成效;以系統性文獻回顧分析核心肌群訓練運動於緩解護理從業人員下背痛之相關文獻,並運用統合分析檢驗核心肌群訓練運動的實際成效。結果:研究結果支持核心肌群訓練運動可改善護理從業人員的下背痛(Pooled SDM = -0.642;95% CI=-1.204- -0.080, p = 0.025),時間維持6個月越顯成效。結論:核心肌群訓練運動可降低護理從業人員的下背痛程度,改善其職業生命與品質。醫療機構可運用本研究之發現,提供護理從業人員長期核心肌群訓練運動,以改善或預防下背痛問題,提升護理從業人員的職業安全。


Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of most common occupational injuries among nursing professionals. It usually leads to sick leave, resignation, and change of occupation. Though LBP can be resolved by medication, physical therapy, and surgery, the health and economic benefits of exercise have made it become one of major therapeutic methods. Purpose: To explore the effectiveness of core muscle training exercise on relieving LBP in nursing professionals. Methods: 174 citations were allocated from 4 English and 2 Chinese databases, and 5 studies were included for analyzing the effects of core muscle training exercise on relieving LBP in nursing professionals.Systematic review was used to analyze research literatures related to utilization of core muscle training exercise on relieving LBP in nursing professionals. Meta-analyses were used to analyze the true effects of core muscle training exercise. Results: Our study results supported utilization of core muscle training exercise on improving LBP in nursing professionals (Pooled SDM=-0.642; 95%CI=-1.204 - -0.080, p=0.025). The longer the core muscle training exercise was performed, the better the effect was achieved. Conclusions: Core muscle training exercise could lower down LBP in nursing professionals, hence, enhance their occupational life and quality. Based on our study findings, healthcare organizations could provide core muscle training to nursing professionals to resolve their LBP, therefore, promote their occupational safety.


Chen, H. M., Wang, H. H., Chen, C. H., & Hu, H. M. (2014). Effectiveness of a stretching exercise program on low back pain and exercise self-efficacy among nurses in Taiwan: A randomized clinical trial. Pain Management Nursing, 15(1), 283-291. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2012.10.003


