  • 期刊


A Project Using Ergonomics to Improve the Musculoskeletal Disorders of Nurses




Musculoskeletal disorders are a common occupational injury for nurses. In recent years, many staff have been transferred due to musculoskeletal disorders, which affects the operation of the unit's staffing. The team analyzed possible causes and found that lack of education to prevent musculoskeletal disorders caused a lack of awareness of the importance of performing correct postures and unconscious use of improper postures, along with a lack of transposition aids and personnel not implementing the use of aids. Additionally, there was a lack of an ergonomics hazard checking mechanism. The project team used the following ergonomics improvement measures as an intervention: (1)Holding teaching courses; (2) Making stretching exercises and simple chart cards; (3)Posting reminder slogans; (4)Making the prevent musculoskeletal disorders videos; (5)Using ergonomics to reset the placement of items; (6)Establish an ergonomics hazard checking mechanism. After the implementation of the project, the awareness rate of musculoskeletal disorders increased from 48.6% to 78.1%, and the musculoskeletal disorders rate decreased from 71.4% to 28.6%. The purpose of the project was achieved with the potential to improve the quality of life and work effectiveness of the personnel.


Ergonomics Musculoskeletal disorders Nurse


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