  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of End-of-life Care for a Patient with the End Stage of Colorectal Cancer




大腸癌 臨終護理 死亡焦慮


This report discusses the nursing experience of the end-of-life care of a patient with the end stage of colorectal cancer and describes the process of an integrative medical team providing resources to and helping the patient cope with death. The author collected data in the period between January 8 and February 9 in 2018 through direct care provision, listening to the patient, interviews, reading the patient's medical record and conducting comprehensive nursing evaluation on the physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of the patient. According to the collected data, the author determined the patient to have an ineffective breathing pattern, pain, insufficient nutrition intake and death anxiety. The patient's breathing condition was alleviated through the use of oxygen therapy and positioning, while aromatherapy, massage, and medication were used to relieve the attendant pain. In response to the patients' nutritional needs, the author gave the patient's family some instruction on meal preparation to provide adequate nutrition for the patient while also working with the hospice team to help the patient cope with death anxiety and guide them to express their feelings. Learning about the patient's concern for their mother and children, the author, case manager and social worker together made subsequent arrangements for the family members to ease the patient's worries and hence help them face death positively. This nursing experience is shared to provide a reference for care of patients with similar conditions in the future.


劉明悅(2020).癌症病人的營養照護.彰基醫療健康防治季刊,39,46-48。https://doi.org/10.6527/PVMN. 202003_(39).0013
