  • 期刊


Nursing Experience in Weaning a Disabled Patient from Long Term Mechanical Ventilation




肢障 脫離 呼吸器 歐倫理論


The researcher presented a 40-year-old patient, who was congenitally physically-disabled. After an operation, he was ventilator dependent for consecutive 51 days, resulting in bed ridden, physically restricted, and mentally stressed conditions. Adapting the Orem’s theory as the structures of full spectrum of evaluations including physical examination, clinical observation and peer interviewing, the investigator concluded the patient suffered from four nursing problems as follows: 1.Ventilator weaning response-dysfunctional. 2. Mobility-impaired physically. 3. Coping – ineffective individual. Based on the supporting system from Orem theory, individualized nursing care was provided to achieve the goal of patient’s self-care during the weaning process. The ventilator was successfully weaned 16 days later after the process initiated by the medical team. In addition, through the continued nursing care, the patient was able to strengthen his physical condition and return to his work place with confidence and hope. This article may provide valuable experience of nursing care to help the physically-disabled patients wean ventilator and regain self-care ability.


disabled weaning mechanical ventilator Orem's theory
