  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of a Bipolar Patient with Suicidal Tendency




復原力 自殺 躁鬱症


This article described a nursing experience of a female patient with bipolar disorder who had made a failed suicide attempt during hospitalization. The nursing duration lasted from July 2nd to August 15th, 2014. Information were collected by trained observations, conversations, medical records reviews, and comprehensive nursing assessments, the following main health issues were identified: existing dangerous violent and self-injurious behaviors, impairment in social reciprocity, ineffective individual coping, and body image changes. By building a therapeutic relationship with the patient, the author educate the patient to identify emotional changes through emotional assessment scale. And by using resilience, the author to assist the patient in identifying and utilizing her own strength and available resources to conjure her potential energy, which in turn sustained her function of family life, restored her confidence in social interactions, and prevented self-injurious behaviors from occurring during hospitalization. This sharing provided a nursing example that, by assisting the suicidal patient to identify her inherent resilience to enhance positive growth, the occurrence of further self-injurious behaviors were prevented.


bipolar disorder resilience suicidey
