  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Applying Roy’s Adaptation Model on a Patient with Permanent Colostomy Surgery




This article described the nursing experience of a young female patient receiving permanent colostomy surgery due to lower rectal cancer. Nursing care period lasted from April 22 to May 20, 2015. The author collected data through listening, observation, conversations, physical evaluation, and applied Roy’s adaptation model to identify the nursing problems: pain, body image disturbance, and hopelessness. During the nursing period, the following measures were implemented to reduce postoperative wound pain: massages, favorite music selections, change wound dressing, and reduce the number of dressing changes. Other nursing measures, such as health education manual on colostomy care, timely supporting and compliment, interdisciplinary team care and patient sharing, were introduced to enhance self-care ability, establish self-confidence and positive thinking, and facilitate acceptance of appearance change. We hope this nursing experience could serve as a reference for our nursing colleagues when caring for similar patients in the future.


body image disturbance colostomy pain hopelessness
