  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of the First Peritoneal Dialysis Treatment for an Adolescent Girl with End-Stage Renal Disease Related to Lupus Nephritis




This study describes the nursing experience of the first peritoneal dialysis for an adolescent girl with end-stage renal disease that resulted from lupus nephritis. Roy's adaptation model was adapted for data collection during the nursing period between March 25 and April 11, 2017. The results identified issues including excess fluid volume, disturbed body image, and caregiver role strain. Appropriate nursing intervention and instruction were implemented to help the patient accept then receipt of peritoneal dialysis as part of daily life, face her disease and future therapeutic course positively by using a list of items for peritoneal dialysis, and make notes with patients and their families. Such nursing experience may provide a future reference for clinical nurses in caring for patients with peritoneal dialysis.


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