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A Perioperative Nursing Experience for a Compression Fracture with Percutaneous Vertebroplasty




This article describes a 98-year-old woman who fell on September 3, 2019. She had back pain and confirmed diagnose the spinal compression fracture and received surgery of percutaneous vertebroplasty. The nursing period ranged from 1 to 4 October, 2019. Data were collected by visits before and after surgery, interviews, physical assessments and medical records. Gordon's eleven functional health patterns assessment tools to establish problems. The major problems were preoperative anxiety, intraoperation acute pain and inefficient breathing pattern, and potentially dangerous falls after surgery. Explain the anesthesia and the surgical procedure to reduce anxiety before surgery. During the operation, the pain was intolerable due to the insertion of the bone needle, immediately assisted in the administration of anesthesia and analgesics, the pain score dropped to 2 points. When the blood oxygen concentration dropped, the doctor was notified and the nasal cannula was immediately provided for oxygen. The blood oxygen concentration promote to 95% quickly. It is recommended to use the back frame and gradually activity without falling during hospitalization. It is hoped that through this sharing of nursing experience, it can provide a reference for clinical care of elderly cases of local anesthesia surgery.


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