  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring a Migrant Worker With Schizophrenia During COVID-19 Quarantine Period




This paper focuses on a migrant worker with schizophrenia including auditory hallucinations and violent behavior. The worker had returned to Taiwan to quarantine and accept medical treatment. The nursing period was from December 16th, 2020 to January 27th, 2021. The author collect data through case history and discussion which was analyzed with five perspectives of psychiatry, and confirmed nursing problems involving a deficiency in self-care, resistance to following instructions, violent behavior, and perceptual alterations. Given the case was in quarantine, and the nature of the disease, an across-team cooperative nursing plan was started. For instance, insure the cleanliness of the body, comply to quarantine measures, build up therapeutic relationship with the case and provide a safe environment to avoid violence, escape, and any problem situations. Additionally, an attempt was made to teach the case to observe mental states to help separate reality and hallucinations to cope with auditory hallucination. Thus, patient education in Filipino was given to increase medicine-taking obedience. Finally, in order to continue the medical treatment after return to Philippines, video calls was made to contact the case's brother in Philippines.


COVID-19 migrant worker schizophrenia


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