  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Caring for a New Resident Suffering From Schizophrenia




思覺失調症 新住民


This article is about taking care of an immigrated resident suffering from Schizophrenia. At the age of 19, she immigrated to Taiwan. Due to having pressure and adaptation disorders, she has been unable to maintain her daily life and to have capability to attend work, to carry out her work duties and to take care of daily routine when onset appeared for the first time. There are five nursing dimensions in the assessment structure made to a conclusion that the major nursing problems in this case should be blamed for "ineffective self-health management", "ineffective coping", "chronic low self-esteem", and so on from their interview, observation and disease history. I have tried to show a trusted attitude of willing to make a good relationship with her, and to encourage her to acknowledge her symptoms with concerns, acceptance, and later we developed together a treatment project. After giving her an individual nursing plan in accordance with her symptoms and sharing her with health education, offering courses for the disease adaptation groups and encouraging her to join in the activities, she has improved with better health to schizophrenia. During the nursing period of time, she gradually acquired many coping skills, and increased the ability to adapt with pressure. A partner by side, with patience following a step by step plan would help improve social interactions and social skills, help increase self-affirmation, and help deal with low self-esteem. Due to her accent and limited speaking ability in speaking Mandarin with fear of the environment, we have tried to slow down the speed and be attentive about what she said during this episode, and we have used to give her picture cards to assist her in understanding health education instead of merely an oral communication. We made a suggestion that we could take a similar health education strategy in taking care of an immigrant in the future.


Schizophrenic new resident


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