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The Nursing Experience of Applying Humanoid Diagram and Caring Theory With a Terminal Oral Cancer Patient




This paper discusses a nursing care experience of a terminal oral cancer patient with malignant fungating wounds recurrence. The patient had to cope with multiple catheters in his body, experienced progressive fungating wound deterioration, along with separation anxiety caused by his son's departure for work, the nursing care period was from 16 July to 30 July 2020. The author used the humanoid diagram for the first time in the nursing process, which helped promote personal organizational skills and provide patient-centered medical care. By using physical assessment, review of medical records, and data collection through observation and FIFE interviews, the author found that the patient had chronic pain, caregiver stress, anxiety and other health issues. Using the elements of Swanson caring care, the author was helped to provide individualized care and to assist the patient in accepting the care from his wife. It is suggested that the humanoid diagram can be used in cross-team discussions in the hospital in the future as it allows teams to have more consensus on individualized care and promote a more family-centered model.


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