  • 期刊


The Sexuality Situation and Implication in Extramarital Affairs for Married Women


檢閱國內外女性婚外情慾議題的相關文獻發現,現有研究大多為量化的調查研究或一般的研究論述,較缺乏對女性婚外情慾議題更細緻深入的實證探討。且,相對於男性婚外情慾的研究,女性婚外情慾處境的深度探討極少,尤其缺乏本土的學術積累。再者,對女性婚外情慾議題的探討,目前學術界的關注焦點之一是:婚外情慾經驗對於女性的蘊含為何。既有的研究成果爭辯分歧,一方認為女性在婚外情慾處境中陷入困境,包括污名的擔憂、後果的疑慮;另一方則強調正面的意義,即女人外遇的結果反而更有自信、自尊、有力量、更獨立。故,本研究採質性的研究方法,深度訪談七位受訪者,藉由開展婚外情慾經驗的行動者發聲及女性詮釋自我婚外情慾處境的經驗論述,回應既有研究成果的爭論。據此,本文關懷:女性婚外情慾處境的特性,同時顯現什麼樣的蘊含意義,並以女性主義學者Audre Lord的情慾觀點與互動論者Erving Goffman的污名(Stigma)道德生涯(moral career)概念作為理解女性婚外情慾的處境及其所蘊含的女性意義。文章首先探討女性婚外情慾處境的角色扮演,特別是污名身分的感知,污名角色的調適並進一步彰顯社會因素與女性個體之問的互動特性。其次,檢視女性在婚外情慾處境中,所衍發的認知及實踐層次上的深刻蘊含-培力亦或賠力。最後,企圖讓本文的發現和既有的理論/研究對話,並提出一些關於女性情慾論辯的反思。


This article aims at exploring married women's sexuality in extramarital affairs and its implications. It has found that current research on married women's extramarital affairs are mostly quantitative studies, whereas deeper discussions are few and far between. Also, researchers focus more on married men's extramarital affairs than women's. When it comes to the study of women's experiences in extramarital affairs the academic circle is most concerned about one question: what do these experiences mean to those women? Academic opinions diverge on the interpretations of these women's experiences. Some researchers stress that married women are more prone to psychological suffering from their extramarital affairs than married men do because they worry about being caught red handed and labeled as ”bad women”; while others emphasize the bright side of such experiences which in their view bring about confidence, self-esteem, power and independence for married women. The author conducted in-depth interviews with seven interviewees to supplement current studies by offering these married women who have had extramarital affairs an opportunity to voice their opinions about their sexuality. What this study attempts to accomplish is to analyze the meaning embedded in women's sexuality in extramarital affairs from the feminist point of view proposed by Audre Lorde and from the viewpoint of stigma and moral career by Goffman. First of all, the author discusses the stigma role-play in female extramarital affairs outside marriages, and then further displays the interactions between social factors and female individuals. Secondly, the author reviews the sexuality-related issues in extramarital affairs and their implications on the practical level-empowerment or depowerment. Finally the author manages to create a conversation between current studies and her own observations in the essay so as to stimulate further reflection upon the debate over women's sexuality.


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