  • 期刊


Reviews of Acupuncture for Parkinson's disease


目的:本文希望能從實證醫學的角度來探討臨床上針灸對於巴金森氏症的療效。方法:利用關鍵字「巴金森氏症」、「帕金森氏症」、「Parkinson」聯集關鍵字「針灸」、「針」、「acupuncture」、「randomized controlled trial」,分別在資料庫「中國期刊全文數據庫」、「臺灣期刊論文索引系統」、「華藝線上圖書館」及「PubMed」中搜索自2011至2016年間之文獻。結果:於資料庫中共選出六篇隨機對照實驗文獻。這些文獻討論了體針、顫三針及粗針於身柱穴留針之療效,由UPDRS來看,治療組臨床療效皆優於對照組。文中選穴多使用病因病機取穴、經絡循行取穴等理論,頭皮針為常見的選擇,膽經、肝經、督脈、大腸經、腎經、膀胱經之穴位亦常被選用。結論:在臺灣已步入高齡化社會的情形下,巴金森氏症之治療開銷是社會的一大成本,中醫以針灸治療巴金森氏症花費之資源相對小,帶來的副作用亦小。期許未來有更多且完善的實驗,針對不同嚴重度之患者的療效差異進行進一步的研究,並對療效的持續性有更多觀察,以作為臨床治療之參考。


Objective: We will discuss the effect of acupuncture treatment on Parkinson's disease from the aspect of evidence-based medicine. Methods: The key-words "Parkinson’s disease", "Parkinson", "acupuncture" and "randomized controlled trial" were used to search the databases of "PubMed", "China Academic Journals Full-text Database" "NCL Journal" and "Airiti Library "between 2011-2016. Results: We found 6 RCT articles form the China Academic Journals Full-text Database. The articles discussed the efficacy of traditional body acupuncture, tremor three needles, and the crude niddle on GV12. All of the experimental groups have better efficacy than the control groups in UPDRS. In clinical, people usually choose acupoints by interpretation of the cause or by following the line of meridian. Scalp acupuncture is a common choice, so are the acupoints of GB, LR, CV, LI, KI and BL. Conclusion: Since Taiwan has became an aging society, the expense of treating Parkinson's disease is considerable. Acupuncture therapy is relatively cheaper in social expense, and the side effect is also less than medication. In the future, hope we'll have more and maturer researches to figure out the efficacy of acupuncture in different severity of illness, and have more data about the persistence of the efficacy.


Parkinson's disease acupuncture


KelvinL Chou,MD. Clinical manifestations of Parkinson disease, Post TW, ed. UpToDate. Waltham, MA: UpToDate Inc. http://www.uptodate.com (Accessed on Aug 03, 2017.)
Pringsheim T, Jette N, Frolkis A, et al:The prevalence of Parkinson's disease:a systematic review and metaanalysis, Mov Disord,2014;29(13):1583
Daniel Tarsy, MD. Pharmacologic treatment of Parkinson disease, Post TW, ed. UpToDate. Waltham, MA: UpToDate Inc. http://www.uptodate.com (Accessed on Aug 03, 2017.)
Bartosz Chmielnicki MD, Evidence Based Acupuncture, form https://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/who-official-position/
周琛、龐偉、吳嵐,針灸聯合美多芭治療帕金森病的臨床效果和安全性分析,中國醫藥科學,2016, 6(22):11-18。
