  • 期刊


Research on the Effect of the Practical Course of Performing Art on College Students in Liberal Art Curriculum a Case Study Based on the Course Conducted at Da-Yeh University



本研究之研究對象,為於大葉大學修通識教育黃迎春老師所開設之表演藝術課程的學生。研究主旨為探討選修此門課的學生,在修課過程中與修課後的改變為何?其對學生的影響為何?本研究之表演藝術課程目的,則是藉由應用戲劇的管道提供不同的通識人文與科技概念,並藉此課程挑戰學習者個人的舊經驗,試圖以戲劇與遊戲的力量喚醒潛在的能量,同時給予透過肢體的藝術感受經驗,以期能達到對表演和藝術的深入體驗與見解。 課程內容主要是以透過應用戲劇(Applied Drama)的實務演練操作作為引導啟發學生自發性、感受性、同理心,學習表演藝術精神,訓練受挫力、承擔與面對、應對進退與溝通能力、解決問題的能力、整合能力、團隊精神等,並於最後利用肢體與綜合藝術的表現方式,實際行動整合一齣舞台劇,以邁向科技、人文、藝術教育並重的統整目標。 本研究預定將上述課程之執行過程與學生學習成果作-彙整分析,探究其對修此門課程學生個人之影響程度為何、效用為何,是否達到所預期目標。


Students attended Performing Art class given by instructor Ying-Chun Huang at the Liberal Art Center of Da-Yeh University were the subjects of this research. The objectives were to explore what changes had occurred in students during and after attending the course, and to learn in what aspects the students were affected by the course. The Performing Art course in this research was designed to provide a different idea of the use of culture and technology in Liberal Art curriculum via Applied Drama. The course was used as a mean to challenge students' old experiences, and to arouse students' potential through the power of drama and games. In the mean time, the experiences of using one's body to perceive art were accumulated so as to help them to attain a deep understanding and a profound experience in performance and art. The Performing Art course in this research comprised four stages. Practical acting exercises of Applied Drama were employed to guide and initiate students' receptiveness, empathy, and spontaneous efforts. In the course, students were to perceive the essence of Performing Art, to acquire abilities to receive setbacks, interact and communicate, tackle and resolve problems, and integrate, and to cultivate an active and responsible attitude and learn the spirit of teamwork. The students were to complete the course by actually producing a theatrical play performed with the use of body and comprehensive art at the final stage, thereby, achieving the consolidated goal of equal emphasis on technology, humanities and art education of the course. By compiling and analyzing the execution process of the course and students' achievement, the research investigated what the influences and effects the course has resulted in the students, and whether the goal of the course was reached.
