  • 期刊


On the Asian Interpretation of Avant-Garde Arts


在過去大約一百年中,影響世界最大的藝術主張,無疑就是所謂「前衛藝術」(Avant-Garde Art)。它在西歐崛起之後,幾乎無堅不摧的突破國界,越過洲際的衝擊到所有非歐洲地區,當然也包括日本、中國大陸、韓國與台灣。雖然前衛藝術眾說紛紜,至今尚無統一而明確的定義。但其基本論調,皆在倡導勇於打破傳統的金科玉律,掙脫既有的教條規範,激勵藝術家緊跟著時代腳步在創作上求新求變。這一套說辭,對開發中國家力求國際化的藝術精英,特別具有號召力,因為他們大都是負笈歐美深造的留學生,習慣以西方觀念來衡量本國的傳統,因此強烈認同打破傳統以求新求變,乃是藝術邁向現代化的天經地義。 如今二十世紀已經過去了。百年的世事變化萬千,歐洲經過兩次大戰衝擊,已漸喪失全球文化中心的號召力。美國代之而起,但在經歷了越戰的挫折及國內反體制的抗爭,漸顯出雄風不再的困境。繼之冷戰解體,全球意識型態的兩極化亦陷於疲乏。在國際權力平衡佈局大幅變動調整下,亞洲的經濟實力之崛起,是一個公認的趨勢,作為過去百年深受歐美文化洗禮的地區,也在西潮漲落之際,暴露出長期追隨西潮的後遺問題,值得在新的世紀加以剖析及反省,以開拓亞洲藝術自主性的前瞻視野。


前衛藝術 亞洲解讀


Over the past century, so called Avant-Garde Art movement swept the world. After its naissance in Western Europe, the movement transcended national boundaries, first the European continent and later the rest of the world, including Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan. Interesting that there is not yet a unified and clear definition which describes what Avant-garde art should consist of. The fundament, however, as most know it as, is the advocacy and encouragement of unconventional, rule-breaking ways of art making instead of following predecessors. Such belief struck artists from developing countries the most, as they aspired to join the rank of international artists and Avant-garde art can be a way through. Among these artists, many have sought further studies in western countries and thus tended to look back at home from a western perspective. For them, it was only natural to stay on the verge of time if they were to advance in the arena of art. The past century witnessed rise-and-falls. After the two devastating wars, Europe gradually drifted off from the leading position as a global role model. The United States filled that place, whereas also finding itself slowly deprived of power after the setback of Vietnam war and following anti-war voices at home. The new power shift brings our attention to Asia, which has an economic potential that can't be ignored. In the past, Asia has been greatly influenced by Western culture. Side effects also occurred and local cultures were inevitably undermined. These days, as such influence fades away and Asia working to build its own character and vision, it is time to look inward in order to stride forward.

