  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of a Hodgkin's Lymphoma Patient during Treatment


本篇個案報告為探討一位女性何杰金氏淋巴瘤(Hodgkin's lymphoma)病患在住院期間除需面對疾病未知的治療外,還需承受化學及放射治療所導致生理、心理方面副作用的困擾,護理期間為2005年5月16日至2005年6月5日,以Gordon十一項健康功能為評估指引,並經由觀察、會談與個案及家屬互動來收集質料,歸納個案護理問題為:口腔黏膜障礙、疲憊、身體心像紊亂。護理重點先經由完善及有效的口腔評估指引,依病人的個別性,改善口腔黏膜障礙的問題,進而提升病患生活品質。個案因治療副作用所產生身體心像紊亂及疲憊等問題,經筆者深入瞭解個案需求後,提供適宜之護理處置,使個案能正視身體心像改變,並幫助個案打扮回原來未生病的樣子,協助個案達到抱小孩的心願,另藉由運動訓練-走路方案來降低治療期間的疲憊程度。期望能滿足個案基本需要及身體舒適、強化病人因應策略以調適疾病治療過程,同時藉由此個案報告的陳述與護理同仁分享照顧經驗。


The case study is to explore the uncertainty that a patient with Hodgkin's lymphoma need to face during the treatment in the hospital, and the physiological and psychological side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Inpatient nursing care was offered from May 16 to June 5 in 2005. The eleven functional health patterns by Gordon was used as the assessment guide, and data were collected through observations, interview and interaction with this case and her family. The patient's problems found are: impaired oral mucous membrane; fatigue; disturbed body image. The focus of nursing care was to improve the impaired oral mucous membrane through the complete and effective guide of oral assessment, and the patient's individuality. We then further promote the life quality of the patient. The authors deeply perceived the patient's needs, and offered appropriate nursing interventions to solve the problems of fatigue and impaired oral mucous due to the side effects. Then the patient could receive the change of body image, be dressed up like the styles before she was sick, and achieve her wish to hold a baby. In addition, the degree of fatigue was decreased via exercise and training project. We hope that the patient's basic needs could be met, and she would feel comfortable. The patient could enforce her copy strategies to adjust herself in the treatment course. In this case report, we also want to share our experience with other nursing colleagues in this area.
