  • 期刊


Nursing Experiences of a Patient with Stage IV Oral Cancer Underwent Surgery




口腔癌 焦慮 身體心像紊亂


This article described the nursing care of a male patient with stage IV oral cancer. He received surgical treatment and stayed at our ward from February 17 to March 14 in 2011. Data was collected by using direct observation and conversations with the patient. Patient problems were identified through physical, psychosocial, and spiritual assessments during the nursing process. Data analysis suggested that the patient's problems included: impaired skin integrity, self-care deficit, anxiety and disturbed body image. The primary nurse established a good therapeutic relationship with the patient during the period of the nursing interventions provided. Nursing education about wound care and self-care management was provided to enable the patient to take care of himself at home. We developed individualized nursing care plans and utilized the available resources to help resolve the patient's economic condition and anxiety. To alleviate the patient's psychological stress, the nurse accompanied the patient and listened to his feelings about the changes of his body image postoperatively. To help him face and accept the changes of his body image, the nurse shared the stories of some other patients who had successful experiences of adapting to the changes of the body image. She also encouraged him to join a group of Head and Neck Cancer Friends. It is expected that our nursing care experiences can remind nurses not only emphasizing the physiological care but also paying attention to the psychological and social problems. Furthermore, nurse can provide the timely assistame to those patients with similar diagnosis.


oral cancer anxiety disturbed body image
