  • 期刊


Nursing Experience for an End-Stage Breast Cancer Hospice Patient with Fungating Wound




乳癌 蕈狀傷口 安寧療護


This article describes the hospice care experience for an end-stage breast cancer patient with fungating wound caused by tumor. The patient suffered from chronic pain, body image disturbance, and wound odor from the fungating wound. Her family were in grief for her disease progression and approaching decease. Data were collected using the Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns through observation, interview, and physical assessment from October 5th, 2012 to October 20th, 2012. The health problems identified includes chronic pain, body image disturbance, and anticipatory grief. We recommended the physician to adjust pain medication according to the pain level. We taught the patient on pain control and used aromatic oils and music therapy to alleviate pain. We implemented special fungating wound care to reduce the odor, discharge, and bleeding as well as body image disturbance. Through the proactive companionship and caring, we encouraged the patient and her family to express their feelings to one another to ease anticipatory grief and hopefully to reach a peaceful death. Through this case, we learned that knowledge about nursing care of fungating wound is quite limited. We suggested nursing education to include courses of fungating wound care or hire nurse practitioners experienced in such care in order to provide higher quality of hospice care. This article can be used as a reference for future care of similar condition.


breast cancer fungating wound hospice care
