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How for a Good Death: A View Point from Intensive Care Unit




The primary aim in the intensive care unit (ICU) is to rescue critically ill patients and give them a chance for better quality of life. But the blind use of unsound or excessive medical treatment to simply extend the tormenting process in life eventually makes the good death unattainable to the patient leaving the family members with burdens of physical, mental and spiritual stress. Therefore, this article uses literature review to identify factors affecting the goal of good death for patients in ICU. 1. Good death of non-cancer patients in ICU has not been given enough attention. 2. The rate of signed advance directives (Ads) is low in the ICU. 3. The delayed DNR discussion with patients cause futile end-of-life treatment. The proposed strategies to improve the end of life care at ICU include: 1. Reduction in the rate of unwarranted inpatient stay in ICU. 2. Non-intermittent patient evaluations during their stay in ICU. 3. Regular family meetings for better shared decision making. 4. Building team consensus for the end of life care. 5. Much more medical humanity in ICU facility. 6. Establishment of family grief counseling system. We hope this paper can provide medical personnel with insightful instructions when they care for the terminal patients in ICU so they can deliver a better care towards a good death.


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