  • 期刊


End-of-Life Nursing Experience of a Terminal Lung Cancer Patient




肺癌 善終護理 哀傷 疼痛


This article describes a patient of lung cancer at terminal stage with rapid progression of the disease and impending death. The patient's wish was to have one last meeting with her daughter with whom she had lost contact for a long time. Therefore, we wanted to help her fulfill her wish by restoring the relationship between her and her daughter for the last time. We were able to help realize her dream. This is the reason that the author explored motivation. The nursing care period was from Jan. 11^(th) to 21^(st) of 2017. We collected data by means of physical assessment, observation, medical record review and interviews with the patient. We also arranged physical, psychological, social and spiritual health assessment. The patient's nursing problems included ineffective breathing patterns, pain, and her regret related grief. Through the nursing process, medical team, social and community resources, and online information, author provided individual nursing care, companionship, and listening, which helped the patient say goodbye to her daughter. Caring for the patients with terminal stage cancer is a big challenge. With our nursing experience, we hope to provide reference of clinical care to help patients pass away without regrets.


Lung cancer End-of-life Grief Pain


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