  • 期刊


Nursing Care Experience of a Patient with Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma with Multiple Metastases and Helplessness Using the Concept of Palliative care




肝內膽管癌 無望感


This report describes the care experience for a helplessness of patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and multiple metastases. During the nursing period lasted from December 21 to December 28, 2020, data were collected via observations, interviews, and medical record for a holistic assessment based on the physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of the patient. The results revealed that the patient had three health problems such as pain, anticipatory grief, and helplessness. In terms of pain, comfortable positioning and massage using essential oil were administered to alleviate pain and discomfort; in terms of anticipatory grief, an empathetic and non-critical attitude was adopted to guide the case and caregiver to speak about their inner feelings and accept death; in terms of hopelessness, the case restlessness and fear were reduced through religious beliefs. Under the empathy and encouragement of the medical and nursing staff, the case expressed his inner feelings. Sincerity, acceptance, and respect were also demonstrated, accompanying the patient through the various stages of grief. The hospice team provided spiritual help so the case accepted the process of dying, and to guide patient and his family express their love, apology, thanks and farewell to one another.


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