  • 期刊


University Students' Opinions about Date Rape-A Survey Based on a Private University


本研究調查大學生對約會強暴之看法,自一所私立大學通識課程隨機抽取學生填寫問卷,有效樣本數649人,所得資料以SPSS進行統計分析。問卷設計參考羅燦煐(1999)約會行為意見調查表,並整合國內外文獻理論探討之結果,設計24項約會情境,涵括11項造成約會強暴的危險因素:父權制的意識型態、男性同儕團體支持、浪漫主義、女性主動邀約與付錢、強暴迷思、約會地點、約會時間、女性性自主權、兩人事前親密程度、女性性濫交史、及酒與藥物等,藉以了解大學生在這些要素上秉持之觀念。 本研究主要發現如下: 男女約會時,如果女生讓男生愛撫、跟他一起看色情影片、女生主動開始親密行為、原本同意跟他發生性關係卻又反悔、兩人之前有過性行為、或兩人已經同居,50%以上的大學生們認為在這6項情況下發生約會強暴,是情有可原的。這反映大學生對約會強暴的觀念,有關尊重女性性自主權、尊重兩人事前親密程度的意識,較為薄弱不足。 大學生認為情有可原的6項約會情境,經卡方檢定,發現與性別、感情狀態二者,有顯著差異存在。不同性別與不同感情狀態的學生,在判定約會強暴事件上的觀念並不相同。大體上,女性傾向認定都是不可以原諒的,男性則持較寬容的態度,認為是可以原諒的。其次,沒有男女交往經驗的學生,態度較為持平,認為可以原諒與不可原諒者差不多各半,而有男女交往經驗者,則明顯多數以上認為是可以原諒的。由此可以看出,男性學生與有男女交往經驗之學生,在約會強暴事件觀點上,較不尊重女性之性自主權,尤其如果當事人雙方在這之前已有親密性關係,不尊重女性意願之傾向,更為明顯。 最後,本研究根據國內外文獻探討及問卷調查結果,提出一些建議。


大學生 約會行爲 約會強暴


The university students' opinions about date rape were investigated in this study. Data were random sampling from students taking general education courses in a private university. There were 649 valid samples. The conceptual framework of the questionnaire developed from the literature designed 24 date rape situations to examine the effect of 11 factors, including: patriarchal beliefs, peer-group support and attitudes, romanticism, initiation of date and who pays, rape myth, date location, date time, sexual autonomy, level of commitment, history of sexual abuse and alcohol or drug use. The main findings of the study: 1. More than 50% of university students think the date rape is forgivable if she allows him to caress her, watches sexy films with him, initiates sexual behaviors, originally agrees to sexual intercourse but regrets later, had sexual behavior with him before, or has cohabited with him. This reflects the university students' consciousness of respecting female sexual autonomy is poor. 2. Gender and level of commitment affect university students' attitudes towards date rape. No matter what situation it is, female students trend to think date rape is unforgivable, while male students trend to be more tolerant. Most of students who have close heterosexual friends trend to think the date rape is forgivable, too. This imply that they have poor consciousness of respecting female sexual autonomy. Possible explanations to the findings, educational implications for date rape prevention and some suggestions are discussed.


