  • 期刊


The Thinking and Designing for Taiwan Administrative Division


臺灣地區的行政區劃自民國39年實施地方自治以來即未作大幅度調整。歷經光復五十餘年來的發展,臺灣地區的人口分佈與都市型態已經大幅改變,舊有的行政區界線已經不合時宜,行政區域遲未重劃,造成國家財政資源無法合理分配與有效運用,地方行政組織編制與人力資源調配不符實際需求,區域發展差距持續擴大,影響國家整體的發展與進步。本論文的目的主要是從地方自治與治理的角度,討論台灣行政區劃的幾個重要方向,並藉以探索行政區域的規模與地方政府層級等相關議題。 就目前台灣行政區劃的設計方案,基本上有以下所述的幾個方向:一、維持現行規劃,二、縣市合併,此調整方向與馬英九所提「三都十五縣」極為相似。三、大幅合併乃是最激烈的一種行政區劃調整方案。四、小幅分割的調整方案,適當縮小各縣市人口與面積的差距。五、全面進行所有縣市行政區劃的重新調整。這種區劃調整指標大致亦以地方生活圈(包括縣市與鄉鎮兩層次)的行政區域整併為主,此種模式原則係以核心城市(直轄市、市、縣轄市)為焦點,合併周圍各鄉鎮市區,重新建構每一個地方生活圈的完整轄區。然而,各方案各有其優缺點與不同的可行性,值得進一步探討。


The administrative division of Taiwan has not been adjusted a lot since implemented local self-government in 1950. Through the development from restoring for more than 50 years, the distribution of population and the type of city in Taiwan have already changed a lot, some old boundary line of administrative area have been already unseasonable, the administrative division hasn't been delimited again, causing resources of the state finance unable to assign and use effectively, the organization of local administrative does not correspond to the actual demand of the deployment of human resources, and the regional gap of development is expanded continuously, influence the development and progress of the country. There are two kinds of zoning standards must be considered. The first is on the basis of local democracy. The other is on the basis of metropolitan and industrial development. According to the former, we can plan ”the system of medium-sized city based on a presupposition of merging of counties and cities”. According to the latter, the target must be the establishment of ”large district system.”


郭政豪(2013)。政治矛盾感與選民投票行為關聯之研究- 以2010年高雄市長選舉為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1112201307075500
