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The Usage of Worshipping Porcelain Vessels and their Circulation during the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties




In the field of ceramics history, the porcelain vessels that carry a devotional inscription are commonly recognized as the standard pieces produced during Shunzhi's reign. However, when examining those vessels preserved since the 17^(th) century, one would find that those vessels with a devotional inscription were mostly fashionable during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties; and judging from the content of the inscriptions, one would know that the patrons were mostly from the local people, officers and merchants at the kiln sites. Among them, the majority were the merchants from Jiangxi or Huizhou at Jingdezhen, the important site of porcelain manufacture. This article analyzes the shapes of devotional porcelain vessels, the subjects of decorative patterns, the origin of patrons, and the contents of the devotional inscriptions to discuss the behavior of offering the porcelain vessels with a devotional inscription in a temple that generated from the areas that are close to the consumers by the porcelain manufacturing site. Those worshipping porcelain vessels carrying a devotional inscription enshrined in temples were not fashionable in the Jiangnan region. The upper class literati in the Jiangnan region published books on the subject of the connoisseurship of objects since the late Wanli period to instruct the reader how to select and arrange the porcelain vessels in their private spaces for worshipping. Porcelain for literati studio represents the esthetics and taste of the upper class literati and illustrates how the objects were used in their private spaces. This article also compares the different usage of worshipping porcelain vessels by the local consumers near the porcelain manufacturing sites and by the Jiangnan literati.


(唐)釋不空譯,《能淨一切眼疾病陀羅尼經》,《中華大藏經》,第 65 冊,北京:中華書局,1993。
(明)何東序修,汪尚寧纂,《(嘉靖)徽州府志》,收入《雕龍中日古籍全文資料庫》,臺北:大鐸資訊股份有限公司,2014,據明嘉靖刻本掃描,最後檢索日期:2021 年 5 月 20 日。
(明)郭良翰,《問奇類林》,收入《中國古籍基本資料庫》,北京:愛如生數字化技術研究中心,2005,據明萬曆三十七年黃吉士等刻增修本掃描,最後檢索日期:2021 年 5 月 20 日。
