  • 期刊


An Empirical Study of Slow Pitch Softball Players' Behavioral Pattern in Watching Major League Baseball Games


近年來,政府實施周休二日與國人重視休閒運動,慢速壘球逐漸成為喜愛職棒之民眾假日主要休閒活動。因此,如何提昇慢速壘球運動參與者運動觀賞意願與行為,進而培養運動風氣,為一項重要之研究。本研究目的旨在運用結構方程模式驗證高雄地區慢速壘球運動參與者觀賞美國職棒大聯盟行為模式之適切性,並藉此發展有效提昇慢速壘球運動參與者之策略。本研究針對高雄地區慢速壘球運動參與者進行相關問卷研究,於2016年2月至3月在高雄地區各大壘球場地發放320份問卷,並以SPSS 12.0進行資料處理及描述性分析,以AMOS 20.0進行結構方程式(SEM)分析。研究結果顯示高雄地區慢速壘球運動參與者觀賞美國職棒大聯盟行為模式具有良好信效度與適配度。根據研究結果提出具體建議:一、增加網路直播平台。二、增加大型戶外轉播活動。三、製作精彩賽事回顧或明星球員花絮。四、整建現有球場爭取大聯盟球賽。五、強化賽事話題性與知識性。可以提供政府與相關單位制定策略之參考。


Following the implementation of the two-day weekend policy and people's increasing interest in recreational sports, slow pitch softball has become a primary activity that baseball lovers engage in on holidays. In light of this, how to increase slow pitch softball players' sports viewing willingness and behavior to foster a culture of sports involvement is crucial. This study focused on using structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the relevance of behavioral patterns of slow pitch softball players in Kaohsiung in watching Major League Baseball (MLB) games, as well as to develop strategies that can effectively increase players interested in slow pitch softball. This study distributed 320 questionnaires to slow pitch softball players at major softball fields in Kaohsiung in February and March, 2016. SPSS 12.0 software was applied to process data and conduct descriptive analysis, and AMOS 20.0 was adopted to perform SEM analysis. The results revealed that the proposed model on slow pitch softball players' behavioral patterns in watching MLB games has favorable reliability, validity, and goodness-of-fit. Accordingly, the following suggestions were proposed: (a) increase online live streaming platforms; (b) increase large-scale outdoor broadcasting events; (c) create game recaps or titbits of star players; (d) renovate existing stadiums to qualify for holding MLB games; and (e) generate discussions for softball games and make the games informative. The results can serve as references for the government and relevant departments in implementing strategies.


