  • 期刊


Effect of core muscle training on the skaters' landing stability and core muscle activity


研究目的:近年來,花式滑冰在台灣慢慢崛起,許多年輕運動員投入這門運動,並積極參與各種比賽。然而,台灣花式滑冰不論在技術層面或是運動風氣都未成熟,年輕選手常常面臨訓練瓶頸,耗費許多時間在嘗試錯誤,尤其是最難又影響比賽成績最大的“跳躍”動作項目。因此,本實驗欲藉由懸吊系統訓練提升選手的核心肌群協調能力,同時直接評估選手在冰上跳躍及落地時的穏定性,來了解核心訓練對滑冰選手跳躍表現的效益。方法:本研究徵召曾參與台灣全國花式滑冰單人競賽ISU自由滑五級(ISU freestyle 5)或以上的項目或由國際滑冰協會(ISU)主辦的國際級花式滑冰比賽的選手共12名(11位女性)參與。所有參與選手接受六周的不穩定懸吊系統(TRX)訓練。在訓練的前後利用無線三軸加速規和無線肌電圖量測選手在冰上跳躍時的身體重心變化以及下肢肌肉活化情形,以了解選手跳躍動作的表現。結果:選手在跳躍的穩定性與爆發力在六周訓練後都有增進的趨勢。同時,核心肌群在經過訓練後,冰上跳躍時的活化強度和活化時間的提早都有明顯的進步。結論:六周TRX懸吊系統訓練應用在花式滑冰選手上,能提升身體的控制與協調能力,並增進運動表現和降低運動傷害風險,對整體運動競賽有正面的幫助。


PURPOSES: Figure skating has become a popular sport in Taiwan over the last decade. Many young skaters have actively participated in championships on both national and international levels. However, the fundamentals of skating techniques and the sport cultures in Taiwan have not yet reached its optimal potential. Skaters frequently reach the training plateau and waste tons of time in try-and-errors, especially in jumping skills, which plays a critical role in the competitions. The motion of which is the most technical difficult to acquire and is one of the highest scoring elements. A precise core balance control is the key to a successful jump. Based on these observations, this study aims to evaluate the progression of the skaters' on-ice jumping stability during take-off and landing by intervening with a programmed suspension training exercise that is designed to enhance the skaters' core muscle strengths and coordination abilities. The purpose is to understand the effect of core muscle training exercise on the skaters' jumping performance. METHODS: The study recruited figure skaters whose skating skills must meet one of the two following criteria during the time of their participations: 1. The skater had been actively competing in the National Taiwan Figure Skating Championship- ISU Freestyle level 5 or above; 2. The skater had been actively competing in the ISU International Figure Skating Championship. A total of 12 skaters participated (11 females and 1 male) in a 6-week TRX training program. A wireless tri-axial accelerometry and surface electromyography were used to measure the skater's body stability and core muscle activations during on-ice jumping in order to evaluate the skaters' jumping performance. RESULTS: The results showed an increase in skaters' jumping stability and power after the 6-week training. Additionally, after training, the skaters' core muscle strengths and activation timing had significantly improved during jumping. CONCLUSIONS: Intervened with a 6-week TRX suspension training exercise on figure skaters can enhance body control, body coordination, skating performance and reduce the risk of sport injuries. As a result, the training intervention has a positive effect on the overall skating performance.


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