  • 期刊


The Study of Health-Related Physical Fitness And School Learning Achievements Among Senior High School Students in New Taipei City


研究目的:本研究目的為探討新北市高中學生健康體適能(Physical fitness)與學業成績(Academic performance)之關聯性,過去的文獻中較少討論以及應用全國性考試與健康體適能之關聯性,因此本研究將以全國大學學測成績作為因子進行探討。研究數據:本研究將採用不同性別當作相關性因子,研究數據取自107學年度新北市某高中三年級學生之學測成績與當學期之體適能成績進行探討。研究對象:研究參與對象共計372名,男性185名,女性187名。樣本蒐集皆經過學生家長同意後進行研究。研究自變項(Independent variable)為大學學測成績與體適能成績;大學學測成績分為學測總平均、單科國文、英文、數學、自然以及社會成績,成績將以級分方式表現;體適能成績分為身體組成(BMI)、坐姿體前彎(CM)、立定跳遠(CM)、仰臥起坐(次/分)、心肺適能(秒)。研究方法:本研究資料分析方法為描述性統計說明各項平均數與標準差(Standard deviation),再以績差相關進行相關性分析,最後以多元線性迴歸分析(Multiple regression analysis)探討各項因子。結論:男性心肺適能越佳者,國文成績有較佳的表現,仰臥起坐越佳者,對數學成績有較佳的表現,立定跳遠成績越佳者,社會成績有較差的表現;女性心肺適能較佳者,學測總平均、國文、英文與社會成績有較佳的表現,身體組成BMI值越低者,英文成績有較佳的表現。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to discuss the correlations between the physical fitness and academic performance of high school students in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Studies have rarely discussed physical fitness in relation to national examinations. This study focused on students' performance on the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT). Data: The data were the GSAT and physical fitness scores of ninth-grade students of different sexes for a semester at a high school in New Taipei City in 2018. Subject: Among 372 participants, 185 were male and 187 were female. The study was conducted after obtaining agreement from all students' parents. The students' GSAT and physical fitness scores were employed as independent variables of this study. The GSAT scores consist of the students' overall average GSAT score and their scores in Chinese, English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The GSAT scores are presented as scaled scores. The physical fitness scores were scores of body composition (BMI), sit and reach test (cm), standing long jump (cm), sit-up (times/minute), and cardiorespiratory fitness (seconds). Method: The data analysis method involved the use of descriptive statistics to explain the means and standard deviations of each type of data. Then, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to perform correlation analysis. Finally, multiple regression analysis was conducted to discuss the factors. Conclusions: Male students with superior cardiorespiratory fitness had superior performance in Chinese; those with superior performance in sit-ups had superior performance in Mathematics; and those with superior performance in the standing long jump had inferior performance in Social Studies. Female students with superior cardiorespiratory fitness had superior performance in terms of overall average GSAT, Chinese, English, and Social Studies scores. Moreover, those with lower BMI values had superior performance in English.


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